Wednesday, November 08, 2006

How you can steal ideas and call them yours - sort of....

[Click on the title for link to original article]

Thanks to my friend Kaushikh for sending me the article that has spurred this rant into the ether in the form of a blog...

I am not against business. I am not against people "adapting" ideas and earning truck loads of money. I, and many people like me, however have a problem when you copy an idea and call it yours, well not directly but in so many words. And, neither is it entrepreneurial nor a "start up".

Please do go on gloating about what you want to do, but don't tell us how to do business. However unsuccessful or poor we may be, we would like to be unlike you.

Mind you, I am not saying we should not learn from other people's clever business. But we should always give credit where it is due, not just try to direct it to ourselves.

Conducting business ethically is a must, it is hard - not impossible!

Why is this in my blogs on India? Well, the guy who says "seventymm" is his idea is an Indian, and so am I. I think if even a small percentage of 1 billion people learn a lesson well, it would mean a lot..


Blogger Narasimha Sai Ram Yamanoor said...

Try writing a comment about this industry over any community which discusses social problems... They say that it contributes to the GDP of the country and ask us to stay at bay!

9:37 AM  

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